Washington University in St. Louis

MGT620: Writing, Speaking and Presenting with Confidence

Advanced Technical Leadership Certificate
Course summary:

You demonstrate your personal leadership brand every day, through what you write and how you speak. You want to be sure your readers and listeners form an impression of you that is confident, focused, and engaging. Effective writing and compelling speaking are skills you cultivate, and that require practice. 

Course experience:

The first day of this class focuses on strong business writing, with an emphasis on concise, easy to understand writing, with clear actions for the reader. Topics covered include: importance of good writing; writing for mobile channels; effective email subject lines; direct writing style; editing skills; and reader-focused writing processes to inspire action.

The second day involves the participant in delivering short talks and receiving peer feedback and instructor coaching on style and delivery. Listeners form impressions of us in each speaking exchange during our day. The participant will use video recordings for development and self-coaching. This class provides an opportunity to see how listeners perceive you, and through active participation, learn how to manage the impression you give your listeners - to enhance your content with compelling and engaging delivery.

Who should take this course?
Technical professionals wishing to earn  Washington University's Advanced Technical Leadership Certificate, or those who need to communicate clearly and effectively with others. This course is designed to teach participants ways to increase their effectiveness with teams, in meetings and in individual discussion with peers, managers, vendors and customers.
Course outline:
  • The cost of poor business writing
  • How business writing creates your professional persona
  • Digital communication writing strategies
  • Distinguish "good" from "bad" business writing in examples
  • Apply the 5 steps in the writing process
  • Reader-focused writing
  • Identify the various audiences for your writing
  • Discuss which document to write for which purpose and audience
  • Discuss principles of organization, content, and layout in business documents
  • Identify the purpose of your business communication
  • Practice what you have learned in group and individual exercises; business writing scenarios; peer review of your own writing
  • Business writing communication development plan
  • Identifying effective business communicators
  • Reviewing your recording and set communication goals
  • Assessing your speaking style, structure and language
  • Developing your communication presence as a speaker and a listener
  • How to manage speaking anxiety to enhance communication ability
  • Effective communication feedback
  • Effective communication content based on listeners
  • Storytelling as a communication strategy
  • Visual communications
  • Engaging your listeners
  • Presentation delivery and practice including video recording
  • Creating your personalized communication development plan

Learning outcomes:

  • Recognize reader-focused business writing skills and what makes it effective
  • Identify the primary and secondary audiences for any specific document
  • Use key business writing strategies to get your written message across clearly to make sure your message is read and acted upon.
  • Choose the right document type for your purpose and for the audience who will read and use it.
  • Consistently use 5 business writing strategies: Complete, Clear, Consistent, Concise, and Correct.
  • Use a proven writing process for business writing: prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading, editing, evaluating and publishing.
  • Apply principles of effective organization, content, and layout to any business document including electronic communication.
  • Accurately assess and improve communication abilities through video recordings
  • Influence and inspire listeners with a confident communication presence
  • Use strategies to help you think on your feet
  • Demonstrate clear communication and confidence in your delivery, content and visuals
  • Modify communication content and style based on who is listening
  • Engage your listeners through your speaking and your listening
  • Identify what makes communicators effective and learn how to use these techniques
  • Give and receive useful feedback on presentation content and delivery
  • Create and use a personalized communication plan
Virtual Classroom
Day & Time:
October 1-3, 2024
4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Enrollment Deadline:
September 24, 2024
Course Fee(s):

Enrollment Deadline is Sept 24, 2024 at 5 PM CST. Beyond this date, please call 314-935-4444 to register.

A full refund will be given when a registrant cancels more than five (5) business days prior to the start of the class. Cancellations received within 5 business days of the start of the class and no-shows will be billed in full. Another person may be substituted at any time at no additional charge.

A request to transfer a class to a future date can only occur if the request is more than 5 business days prior to the start of class.  Otherwise, the request will be considered a cancellation and the policy will apply.
On Campus
Day & Time:
April 21-22, 2025
8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Enrollment Deadline:
April 14, 2025
Lopata Hall 5th Floor
Course Fee(s):

Enrollment Deadline is Apr 14, 2025 at 5 PM CST. Beyond this date, please call 314-935-4444 to register.

A full refund will be given when a registrant cancels more than five (5) business days prior to the start of the class. Cancellations received within 5 business days of the start of the class and no-shows will be billed in full. Another person may be substituted at any time at no additional charge.

A request to transfer a class to a future date can only occur if the request is more than 5 business days prior to the start of class.  Otherwise, the request will be considered a cancellation and the policy will apply.

Applies toward the following certificates:

Communication Certificate - 500px
Have questions?
Contact us if you would like to speak with a program director or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.
"I love the breakdown of the course. There are strategies that I could apply as soon as tomorrow with presenting to my stakeholders." MGT622: Writing, Speaking and Presenting with Confidence