Washington University in St. Louis
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Board Presentations: Leveraging Relations, Metrics & Templates

The upcoming round table session, "Board Presentations, Leveraging Relations, Metrics & Templates," will provide cybersecurity professionals with essential skills for effective communication with board members and key stakeholders. The session will feature experienced leaders who will share their insights on presenting complex information, leveraging relationships, and using metrics and templates to enhance communication efforts.


September 19, 2024
 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Purchase a Seat

Roundtable Topics & Presenters:

Shamla Naidoo
Long-Time CISO and Law Professor
Bridging Cybersecurity and Legal Perspectives
This session will be led by a seasoned CISO who is also a law professor at a major university. The discussion will focus on integrating legal considerations into cybersecurity board presentations. The speaker will cover how to effectively communicate legal risks and compliance issues, translating technical jargon into language that resonates with board members. Attendees will gain insights into presenting cybersecurity strategies and risk management plans that align with legal and regulatory frameworks.
Arvin Bansal
C&S Wholesale Grocers
Practical Approaches from an Industry CISO
Drawing from real-world experiences, the CISO of a major grocery business will discuss practical approaches to engaging board members in cybersecurity discussions. The session will highlight strategies for demonstrating the business impact of cybersecurity, using industry-specific examples to illustrate key points. Attendees will learn how to align security initiatives with business objectives, effectively use metrics, and gain executive support for cybersecurity investments.

Mary Beth Vitale

Board Member
Insights from a Board of Directors Member
This session will provide a unique perspective from a current member of the Board of Directors of a large brand. The speaker will share insights on what board members expect from cybersecurity presentations, how to capture their attention, and the types of information that drive decision-making. Attendees will learn how to frame cybersecurity issues in a way that highlights their strategic importance and fosters informed decision-making at the board level.
Details Coming Soon
Transitioning from Security Executive to Board Member
The final session will feature a security executive who has successfully transitioned into a board of directors role. The speaker will discuss the journey from cybersecurity leadership to board membership, sharing valuable lessons learned along the way. Attendees will gain insights into the skills and experiences that are most valued by boards, as well as strategies for positioning themselves for board roles. This session will also cover how to leverage a board position to influence organizational cybersecurity practices and policies.

Roundtable Host:


AJ Eads - Security Advisor Alliance:

The Security Advisor Alliance was founded in 2013 by a group of 35 dedicated information security leaders. The organization was built on a foundation of helping each other, growing the space and giving back to their working and living communities. Today the Alliance has over 400 members, on 3 continents.
The Security Advisor Alliance is led by an advisory board of CISOs and Senior Leaders at the most influential companies in the world and are committed in time and energy to the Alliance's mission of Aligning, Growing and Giving.