Relationship Management: Crafting Your Career Through Relationships
The final round table session of the year, "Relationship Management, and Crafting Your Career Through Relationships," will focus on the critical role that relationships play in career development and organizational success in the cybersecurity field. Attendees will hear from experienced leaders who will share personal stories and insights on building and leveraging relationships to advance their careers and enhance collaboration between security and business units.
Roundtable Topics & Presenters:
Topic: Navigating Security Through Relationships
This session will be led by a global CISO from the healthcare sector who will share personal experiences on the importance of relationship management in their career journey. The speaker will discuss how building strong relationships with colleagues, executives, and industry peers has helped them navigate complex challenges and advance to their current role. Attendees will gain insights into the unique dynamics of the healthcare industry and the strategies used to foster collaboration and trust.
Topic: Building Banking Sector Security Networks
The Deputy CISO from a major bank will discuss the role of relationships in managing security within the highly regulated banking industry. The speaker will share stories of key relationships that have been pivotal in their career, highlighting the importance of networking, mentorship, and cross-functional collaboration. Participants will learn about the strategies used to build and maintain strong professional networks and their impact on career advancement and organizational security.
Topic: Bridging Retail Security and Business Units
This session will feature a BISO from the retail sector who will focus on building effective relationships between security teams and business units. The speaker will share their journey to becoming a BISO, emphasizing the importance of understanding business needs and aligning security initiatives with organizational goals. Attendees will learn practical approaches for fostering collaboration, gaining business unit support for security measures, and driving a security-first culture within a retail organization.

Topic: Crafting a Career in Beverage Manufacturing Security
The final session will be led by a BISO from a major beverage manufacturer who will discuss the role of relationship management in their career development. The speaker will share insights into building strong relationships with business units, highlighting the importance of communication, empathy, and mutual respect. Attendees will learn how to effectively bridge the gap between security and business, ensuring that security initiatives are well-integrated and supported across the organization.
Roundtable Host: